Family Involvement Statement


"The school will teach children how to read, but the environment of the home must teach them what to read. The school can teach them how to think, but the home must teach them what to believe. "

 Charles A. Wells



Parents have so much to share with their children.  As a classroom teacher, I want to encourage and promote not only parents but also all family members to be active members of our classroom.  I hope parents and family members are willing to share their valuable free time with our classroom.  Parents and families could do many things to improve our classroom such as: volunteer time, share knowledge, volunteer resources, and share experiences.


Anything parents and family are willing to contribute to the classroom will be beneficial to the learning of the students.  I plan to keep parents and families involved in the daily happenings of our classroom through a newsletter.  If I need assistance with certain upcoming projects, I will keep parents informed through the newsletter.  Also, if the parents read about any of the upcoming activities and have something they would like to contribute their assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I hope that through the collaboration of parents and family in the classroom the students will have a much richer experience in my classroom.



The central struggle of parenthood is to let our hopes for our children outweigh our fears."

Ellen Goodman

